The head of Twitter in the United Kingdom, Dara Nasr, has joined the Sazka National Lottery bid. Allwyn, the Sazka Group’s brand for its operations in the United Kingdom, has added Nasr to its advisory board to assist Sir Keith Mills and his team in their bid for the fourth National Lottery license.
Allwyn, which was established recently to bring all of Sazka’s operations in the United Kingdom under one brand, stated that Nasr has become a leader in digital communications during his time at some of the world’s largest technology firms, including Twitter and Google.
“The way businesses interact with their customers is evolving due to the rapid growth of social media platforms,” Nasr said about his appointment.
“As I observed during my time at Twitter, mobile devices provide a significant opportunity to develop close, around-the-clock relationships between businesses and their customers. I am collaborating with Allwyn and its parent company, the Sazka Group, because they recognize the importance of digital technology for the lottery. I am eager to begin.”
Sir Keith Mills, the Chairman of Allwyn’s bid in the United Kingdom, added: “For many years, Allwyn’s parent company, the Sazka Group, has been leading the digitalization of lotteries across Europe.”
The initial firm to declare its involvement in the fourth National Lottery license bidding process was Sazka, which occurred last October.
Subsequently, the enterprise has enlisted the expertise of tech visionary and founder Brent Hoberman to its advisory council, along with former Universal Entertainment chief executive Charles Garland.
In November, the operator affirmed the appointment of Sir Keith Mills as the head of the bid, a successful entrepreneur who played a pivotal role in London’s bid for the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games.
Aside from Sugar and Damani, as well as Camelot, which also joined the bidding in October, earlier this month, Italian lottery operator Sisal declared its intention to participate in the tender.
“Our affiliated company Allwyn has demonstrated the potency of digital technology in the lottery sector, and I am enthusiastic about collaborating with Dara and utilizing his understanding of digital and social media,” Mills concluded.
This has not only yielded remarkable online sales expansion, allowing their lottery to endure the difficulties presented by the pandemic, but also translated into sustained robust sales growth in the retail sector.
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