Employees of gambling establishments in the Garden State are tired of being subjected to passive smoking. A recent industry gathering saw over a hundred of them assemble, urging legislators to finally approve legislation prohibiting smoking in Atlantic City’s gaming venues. They express disappointment that the Casino Association of New Jersey withdrew from talks concerning a smoking prohibition at the eleventh hour. Staff highlighted that while it’s simple for casino management to disregard the issue from their smoke-free workspaces, dealers and other personnel on the casino floor lack that privilege. They perceive their well-being as being compromised for financial gain and are demanding measures be taken. On a positive note, there’s cross-party backing for a prohibition, but the legislative proposals are currently stuck in the legislature. Advocates against smoking contend that each day of postponement jeopardizes more lives.

We cant remain inactive while individuals are experiencing hardship. It’s imperative that we advocate for this legislation, spread awareness about cessation, and if they continue delaying, well, we might just need to remove them from office. Arrange a meeting, or expect a significantly larger presence from us!”

Contact the Author

By Stella "Siren" Newberry

Holding a Ph.D. in Quantum Game Theory and a Master's in Economics, this accomplished author has a deep understanding of the quantum and economic aspects of gambling and their implications for the strategic behavior and market outcomes of players and operators. They have expertise in quantum auctions, quantum mechanism design, and quantum economics, which they apply to the analysis of the strategic and economic dimensions of quantum gambling and the development of strategies to promote efficient and equitable quantum gambling outcomes. Their articles and reviews provide readers with a quantum and economic perspective on the casino industry and the strategies used to optimize the strategic and financial performance of quantum gambling operations.

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